2020 World Day of Remembrance
With local traffic fatalities on the increase for 2020, and in the wake of Richard Timberlake’s death this past weekend we believe that it would be appropriate to promote the 2020 World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. With 43 traffic fatalities so far this year compared to 38 at this point in 2019, our community needs to make a collective shift to safer streets. 2020 has been a difficult year in many respects but the four avoidable on-street bicyclist deaths, including three members of our close knit cycling community in the past 8 months, has made this year that much harder.
Some of our bike riding friends that we’ve lost in 2020
Saying that 2020 has been an unusual year is an understatement to say the least. since the corona virus took a hold of our country in March we have seen a decrease in vehicle miles driven as well as a increase in bicycling and other outdoor activities. Unfortunately the decrease in vehicle miles driven has not meant a decrease in traffic related deaths.

While people are generally driving less, speeding, reckless driving and distracted driving has increased since March. This serves to increase the percentage of Bicyclists and Pedestrians that are killed on our roadways, a trend that has been increasing since before the pandemic.
While our city has taken major steps in the right direction over the past few years, we don’t believe that we will see a shift in transportation habits until our infrastructure appeals to the masses by prioritizing safety of our most vulnerable road users.
Sunday November 15th is World Day of Remembrance
Bike COS Supports Safer Streets for all Sticker

We encourage everybody to use our streets safely on Sunday in remembrance of those who are no longer with us. While we will not be organizing a group ride due to the current spike in COVID 19 cases in Colorado Springs, we encourage your individual support of safer streets in our community.
If you follow Bike Colorado Springs you are already aware that one of our goals it to provide safe streets for all. We believe that, regardless of how you choose to get around our city, whether you walk, drive, ride a bike, use public transportation, or use another form of mobility device; you should have a reasonable expectation of safety while fulfilling your transportation needs.
Please join Families for Safe Streets in commemorating World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. Together, as those who have been personally impacted by crashes, we will join street safety organizations, community members, faith leaders, elected officials, and dignitaries from across the country and globe to
Over 100 Americans are killed every single day and millions more are injured each year.
Families for Safe Streets is offering a range of in-person and virtual events both on World Day of Remembrance and in the weeks leading up to it. Due to COVID, all in-person events are meant to be conducted with limited attendance and with adherence to physical distancing.
Together we can amplify the heartbreaking cost of traffic crashes and the urgent need for change.
Bike Colorado Springs Education Program
If you want to learn more about being a safer bike rider or driver take a look at our current class offerings through our Education Committee
Bicycle-Friendly Driver
Ride Leader Training
Auto-Friendly Bicyclist
Join Bike Colorado Spring to personally learn or have your team/organization learn how to improve the safety on our roadway for both bicyclists and motorists.
Learn how to safely lead groups of riders on urban trails and on our on street bicycle networks including shared roadways, bike lanes, and protect bike lanes.
This program teaches people who ride bicycles best practices for sharing the road with drivers. This course will benefit all people who ride bicycles with any background or skill level.