Ride To Work – Ride To Shop

Want to save money on gas and wear and tear on your car — consider the bicycle as alternate or even a primary mode of transportation. Not only does cycling to work or the store save you money, it also provides you with a healthy form of exercise. From learning how to get around safely to how to use parking protected bike lanes, this page will help you safely navagate Colorado Springs by bicycle. The major agencies providing bicycle infrastructure are listed below with links pertinent to “Getting Around” by bicycle.


Whether you want help navigating Colorado Springs streets and trails by bike or want to learn more about how to ride safely, we have resources below will help you find your way.

Additional Resources

Not everything goes according to plan, below are some additional resources to help improve or address some of those situations

Colorado Springs Bike Share


PikeRide is Colorado Spring’s local Bike Share program, Founded initially by The Downtown Partnership when they began soliciting sponsorship for a bike share program in late spring 2017. PikeRide initially launched in June of 2018 with 208 purple pedal bikes serving the downtown core. It didn’t take long for the public to voice their desire for electric-assist bikes to conquer our varied and hilly terrain. Within six months of launch PikeRide transitioned the entire fleet to electric-assist bikes which have the identifiable orange saddles. As of January 1, 2020 PikeRide now operates as its own stand alone 501(c)3 nonprofit.



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