Become a bicycle Advocate

Opportunities for improved bicycling infrastructure such a bike lanes, bike corridors, trails and trail connections do not happen without public support. The cities and counties within the Pikes Peak region are doing what they can within limited budgets to make the region more bicycle friendly. But they need the community to support, accelerate or improve upon their proposals. And, if necessary propose our own solutions to bicycling issues.

current volunteer tasks
from communication to outreach:


We are looking to launch a Colorado Springs focused Bicycle Ambassador program, please let us know if you would like to help stand up this program.


During this period if staying at home the internet is the our strongest tool to connect with our followers. As such, we are looking for people to write stories and articles for our website and social media pages to better connect with our followers.


We have multiple class curriculums mostly surrounding the Road to zero program which focus on Bicycle Friendly Driver and Auto Friendly Cyclist classes. We are looking into other teaching opportunities but this is currently our education focus.

Bike Colorado Springs has five committees, information about our committees and committee chairs is available on the About Us page on our Website 

Below is a list of our committees and some common tasks associated with each committee.


Organizing/leading community rides, staffing the BCS table at events, organizing other related BCS community-building activities


Organizing and leading bicycle safety classes, leading bicycle friendly driver training, crafting educational content for Communication to share via the BCS Facebook page, website and via other digital means


Create Social media, Web, and Newsletter content. Flyer, handout, sticker, and other collateral creation.


Build and manage members and donors, Solicit business to join Bicycle Loving Business Program. Teach businesses, organizations, and bike clubs about BCS activities.


Take notes or speak at public city meetings, meet to discuss policy and plans with city staff, build relationships with city leaders.  

Complete form below

Help us become better bicycle advocates by lending your voice and support. If you’re willing to volunteer with Bike Colorado Springs and become a Bicycle Advocate please fill out the brief form below. Together, we can make the Pikes Peak Region an epic bicycling destination.

  • In reference to the Downtown area.
  • To select multiple options, hold the "Shift" key down as you select options.



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