Report an Issue

Have you encountered an issue that needs to be address by the City Of Colorado Springs? Whether it is an issue with a bike lane, an issue on a trail, or some thing that needs to be addressed by the Police Department we will help you find the correct resource to resolve the problem.

The City’s reporting system is your best resource to report infrastructure issues throughout Colorado Springs

When Submitting a request be sure to select the correct category.

Bike Lanes

Select ” Traffic Issues “

Urban Trails

Select ” Parks and Recreation ” then ” Trail Maintenance”

Download the app for iPhone or Android below

Colorado Springs Police department

If there is an emergency please dial 911

You can report a Traffic Complaint by filling out the form found by clicking on the “Traffic Complaint Form” image below and returning the completed  form, In Person to a Colorado Springs Police substation.

online services

If you feel threatened on a road or trail in COS Call 911

The Colorado Springs Police Department offers a number of online services as a convenience to the community.

If you have any questions regarding these services, please contact CSPD at 719-444-7000.

CSPD Traffic Complaint Form



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