Vote Yes On 7A

Vote Yes on 7A to Extend PPRTA

Bike Colorado Springs asks for your yes vote on ballot measure 7A to extend PPRTA as our board believes that the proposed projects will make getting our our city safer and easier for all of our residents regardless of how they choose to get around our region.

This is the longest ballot measure we’ve seen in a long time. Bike COS is here to make this less overwhelming with our higlighted projects below that have led our board to support extending this existing sales tax (without any increases) which will pay for that extensive project list. Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA) has for the last 20 years supported transportation projects throughout the region. While we’re going to focus on the numerous important trail, on street bike, pedestrian, and sidewalk projects; yet the majority of the funds are allocated to roadway projects throughout our region.

While many specific projects are proposed by this extension of PPRTA there are also programs which intended to further goals identified in the City’s Comprehensive Plan, Intermodal Transportation Plan (ITP), Bike Master Plan and the Complete Streets ordinance which strongly recommend streets be designed to accommodate safe, efficient bicycle and pedestrian travel/access. “There are many locations in the city where safe and adequate bicycle travel and access are not provided or need enhancement. We’ve highlighted some of these projects below.

PPRTA 3 – Ballot Issue 7a Resources

PPRTA City website

Descriptions of Proposed Projects
Proposed Projects Map
Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA)

Proposed Project Map

proposed PPRTA project list

PPRTA Project Highlights

On-Street Bikeway Improvements Phase 1 and Phase 2
Proposed bikeway improvements will continue to include: improve and construct bike lanes in accordance with the ITP and the City’s Bicycle Plan; install on-street bicycle lanes and connections to off-street facilities to close gaps on the existing bike network; improve connections from on-street bike lanes to the Colorado Springs trail system and residential/commercial centers; and, develop/implement improved signage to provide better wayfinding for cyclists.

Sidewalk Infill Improvements Phase 1 and Phase 2
Proposed pedestrian improvements will continue to construct missing pedestrian connections along transportation facilities, schools, and neighborhoods and will follow the Operations and Maintenance Division quadrant approach to improve safety and develop/implement improved pedestrian connectivity.

Key Trail, Pedestrian and Bike projects include:
Midland Trail – Improvements to the Midland Trail, including completion from 21st to 25th St
Foothills Trail
Palmer Mesa Trail
Pikes Peak greenway trail
Rock Island Trail
Shooks Run Trail

Sinton Trail – Including improvements to the Centennial Blvd underpass

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