Phase 1 Opening Scheduled 2022

A portion of the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail may open by the end of March

We thank the City of Colorado Springs for the informative Trail Talk  that that put on Wednesday March 16th. This was a great opportunity to learn about the progress being made on the Pikes Peak Greenway trail and for us to better understand what the schedule looks like for reopening this critical 1.25 mile Colorado Springs trail connection linking the Pikes Peak Greenway, near Criterium Bike Shop, to the Cottonwood Creek Trail.


The Parks Department was hopeful that the first section of trail would be able to open by the end of March 2022

Timing for Pikes Peak Greenway Trail Reopening

Phase 1 – from Southern Closure (Rockrimmion Trail Connection) to Criterium Bike Shop
Reopening (weather dependent) by the end of March

Phase 1 completion status
All 1100ft of new concrete has been poured
New bridge decking has been installed on the 172ft bridge south of Criterium Bike Shop
Widened trail connection at Rockrimmon trail connection onto the greenway

Still to be completed
95% Restoration work done but seeding and erosion control still underway


North of Criterium to Cottonwood Creek Trail Connection
Phase 2 & 3
Reopening (weather dependent) by the Memorial Day

Phase 2 completion status
Phase 2 will remain closed until phase 3 is complete as there are no public connections from the Phase 2 section of the PP Greenway to Corporate Dr
Phase 2 is north of Criterium to the 40ft trail bridge
All 3000ft of new concrete has been poured 

New bridge decking has been installed on the 40ft trail bridge
48” storm drain under trail to address drainage issues
New retaining walls

Phase 3 completion status
1200ft of trail from 40ft trail bridge to Cottonwood Creek Trail
Phase 3 has been completely milled
First 200ft of concrete poured this week
1000ft of concrete left to be poured
Completed late spring – memorial day timing

Still to be completed
Phase 2 restoration work in progress
Phase 3 1000ft of concrete left to be poured
Phase 3 restoration work will began once construction has completed


PP Greenway Phases/Schedule

Pikes Peak Greenway Phases Mapped

Pikes Peak Greenway Construction video

Construction began on much needed improvements to a 1.25 mile, northern section, of the Pikes Peak Greenway on October 25 and will continue through Spring 2022. The Pikes Peak Greenway, between Cottonwood Creek Trail & the Rockrimmon Rd trail connection will be entirely closed for repaving and improvements.

View the city’s website for more details on the project

Trail users will be detoured:

Cottonwood Creek Trail users will be able to access the Pikes Peak Greenway Northbound and Corporate Drive bike lanes.

Trail users from Rockrimmon Road will be able to access the Pikes Peak Greenway southbound.

From the north – onto the Corporate Drive bike lane, under I25, connecting to the off-street multi-use trail running parallel to Nevada Ave on the west side of the road, then connecting through university village, behind Costco to the Pikes Peak Greenway. conn LaSalle Avenue between Union Boulevard and Templeton Gap Road as work continues through August.

From the south- once past Costco turn right onto the University Village trail connection. After passing Trader Joes turn right on the ramp accessing the off-street multi-use trail running parallel to Nevada Ave on the west side of the road. Stay on the sidewalk and use the pedestrian signal at the I25 ramp to cross under I25. once west of I25 use the crosswalk to cross Corporate Drive accessing the northbound Corporate Drive Bike Lane. Access to the cottonwood creek trail and the Pikes Peak greenway north is immediately after the bridge crossing Cottonwood Creek, between the creek and the Indian Motorcycle Dealer.



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