Murray Crossing Construction

Four Trail Crossings Made Safer This Year

Colorado Springs is transforming bike safety and accessibility with four trail crossings made safer this year. In collaboration with the City Parks department, the city’s traffic engineering team is dedicated to creating smoother and safer rides for everyone.

Murray trail crossing construction started early August
Murray trail crossing construction started early August

Four Trail Crossings Getting Major Upgrades:

  • Rock Island Trail at Murray: Construction is underway to add a dedicated pedestrian signal
  • Cottonwood Creek Trail connection at Dublin Blvd: This new pedestrian signal at the Dublin Park trail will connect residents north and south of Dublin Blvd to Dublin Park and the Cottonwood creek trail.
  • Shooks Run Trail at Uintah St: A new signal synchronized with the existing traffic light will allow trail users to cross Uintah at the historic alignment.
  • Rock Island Trail at Templeton Gap Rd: Will add a additional signage, RRFBs (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons) and a center refuge island to calm traffic and provide a refuge for trail users.
Location of Dublin park trail crossing as of June
Location of Dublin park trail crossing as of June

Construction on the Dublin Rd and Murray crossings began in early August.

Even More Improvements on the Horizon:

Thanks to grant funding, the city is also working on (not yet in design):

  • Skyline Trail at Mirage – Link
  • Woodman Trail at Rangewood – Link
  • Homestead Trail at Dublin Blvd

These projects are currently out for bid, with construction expected to start in the next 12 months.

Additional crossings funded

Plus, the city secured additional funding for nine more trail crossing improvements in the future!

UPDATED – with future trail crossing list

Grant funding for the below projects has been awarded for 2027, these projects may be started sooner if funding is available earlier.

  • Briargate Trail/Meadow Ridge Drive
  • Woodmen Trail (east)/Lexington Drive
  • Flying W Ranch Road/Champagne Dr at Mountain Shadows Park 
  • Sand Creek Trail/Jet Wing Drive 
  • Shooks Run Trail/Fontanero
  • Sunny Vista Living Center/E Cache La Poudre St
  • 3 other crossings (will update when finalized)

Get Involved:

Volunteers are needed to help with making Colorado Springs a bike-friendly city. To learn more or get involved, please contact the Bike Colorado Springs Leadership Team.

By investing in these improvements, the city is creating a safer and more enjoyable environment for cyclists of all ages and abilities.

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