Pedal For The Planet

Pedal for the Planet – Earth Day 2020

Earth day is Wednesday April 22nd, but this isn’t just any Earth Day. we’re not just referring to the unprecedented health crisis affecting everyone on the planet, 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. The first earth day in 1970 saw 10% of our country’s population coming out to protest unsustainable practices from industrial polluters to daily polluting from general citizens. While big changes  to improve the environment often seem insurmountable, small collective changes can make a big impact on our world.

make an essential trip by bike or foot

For earth day and earth week we are asking you to shift shorter trips, under two miles, away from single occupancy vehicles; making one essential trip by foot or bike this week.

During this pandemic, many people are in uncertain financial straits; bicycles are one of the most affordable forms of transportation. We think that shifting shorter trips, under two miles, away from single occupancy vehicles is an achievable goal locally, nationally, and globally. One of the silver linings coming out of this pandemic is that more people are returning to bicycles as both a form of recreation and a form of transportation. Bikes are a great way to get a workout during these days of Social Distancing and one of the most efficient modes of transportation.

Celebrate Sustainability locally

Pikeride makes getting around our city’s core by bike easier with E-Bike Share around Downtown and the Westside. During Covid-19 Pikeride has been made free to all users

Keep your money in COS by supporting local business and supporting our community

Colorado Springs food rescue saves food from the trash using bicycles to transport the food. They also have a bicycle powered composting program called Soil Cycle that serves neighborhoods around downtown.

While big changes to improve the environment often seem insurmountable, small collective changes can make a big impact on our world.

Transportation is currently our country’s largest contributor to global warming gasses. As many jobs have moved to working from home, and other businesses have closed completely during this pandemic, commuting has largely been put on pause. Since most commuting nationally is usually done by car, this reduction in commuting has significantly reduced the amount of pollution in major cities around the globe. While this large reduction in transportation emissions has been a blessing in disguise, we think we should take this opportunity to further benefit our environment. 

We can make the most impact individually and locally. Small shifts in how we get around, especially near our homes, is achievable and what we as a city should aspire to in order to make our region more sustainable. Bike Colorado Springs is here to help Southern Colorado accept bicycles as a viable form of transportation while celebrating the fun and health bicycles can bring to our lives.

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