Cottonwood creektrail expands eastward
We are excited to see paving begin on the east most edge of Cottonwood Creek Trail. With the recent opening of Cottonwood Creek trail under Academy Blvd, linking to the Pikes Peak Greenway, this trail has become a critical trail connection to the continually growing northeast neighborhoods of Colorado Springs. This construction paves the way (pun intended) for a trail loop connecting residents in Northeast Colorado Springs to other areas of the city.
This will likely be a connection on the “Ring the Springs” trail that will eventually connect to an extension of the Sand Creek trail. This was outlined in on the Plan COS Majestic Landscapes Map with the yellow lines marking existing and planed trails throughout our city. The Cottonwood creek trail past Powers Blvd is clearly marked on this map.

Shown in blue is the Cottonwood creek trail with the newly paved area shown in the red box.
Alignment is not 100% precise.

Thanks to a rider from SoCoVelo we are now aware that paving has started to extend Cottonwood Creek Trail further east, providing a much needed connection under, and past Powers BLVD. Photos of constructions from April 26th. We have reached out to the Parks Department to better understand the timeline and completion schedule for this new section of trail. We will update this post when we have more information.