Thank You for a Successful Forum
Thank you to everybody in attendance last week for making The Gazette’s Bike Lane Community Conversation a success. We thank everybody who was there to support safer bike infrastructure and especially all those who rode their bike to to the forum.
We were happy to see consensus about the need for a bike network and enhanced public input as part of the process and are disappointed that some media continue to cast this issue in such a divisive light. Many attendees reported that they did learn something from the discussion and were grateful to have a better understanding of the criteria that lead to the installation of on street bicycle infrastructure. We were encouraged by the points of agreement at Monday’s discussion but did not hear any feasible alternatives to safely improve our city’s mobility needs. BCS is working to fact-check some of the claims we heard, please watch this space for a comprehensive breakdown in the future .
We send a very special thank you to all our, and Pike Ride’s volunteers staffing the bike valet which was the brainchild of one of our friends at USA Cycling (whose HQ is in COS).
77 riders made use of the bike valet
15 people rode and locked up outside the the Pike Peak Center
13 people parked a Pike Ride bike at the Pikes Peak Center
That makes at least 105 people who rode people who rode to the event

From our accounts this means that approximately 1/3 of the 300+ in attendance for the standing room only event rode there. While it is clear that not all the supporters of safer roads for all rode to the event it is apparent to BCS is that strong support exists in our community for safe and connected bike infrastructure. We think this bodes well for future community discussions.
We would love to have you by our side supporting safer bike infrastructure in Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region.
Please think about joining Bike Colorado Springs as a member for a small donation