Sinton Trail under I25 Impacted through late 2024
Bike Colorado Springs has been involved as a stake holder as this project will impact the Sinton Trail; a critical east-west corridor in North West Colorado Springs. Read more and watch a Q&A Session on our first post about the project here. CDOT has put thoughtful consideration into the detours and signage; and most importantly is reducing complete trail closures under I25 to only the times where a complete closure is required due to safety concerns.
Sinton Trail ReOpens
Sinton Trail openings started Friday, April 12th and for each weekend in April.
Daily Openings began starting April 29th!
CDOT has opened the the south side of the Sinton Trail under Ellston Street daily in May through late August. Intermittent closures may still occur during this time.
Visit our new post for more information
Text IMPACTS to (844) 591-9901 for closure updates
Check website for Closure info

Starting Monday, Nov. 27 the Sinton trail gravel underpass crossing Chestnut St has been closed. Users of the Sinton Trail will be directed to use the crosswalk over N. Chestnut Street to reconnect to the Sinton Trail.
This will remain in effect through late 2024
We have asked for additional signage and improvements to the chestnut crosswalk to make motorists aware of increased traffic at this crossing.
Update* – The construction team has made the intersection of Chestnut an Ellston St a 3-way stop for the duration of construction to improve safety for trail users crossing Chestnut. The City of Colorado Springs is studding this treatment to determine if they should make this intersection an all way stop permanently.
Complete closures of Sinton Trail under I25 will be infrequent with five to eight complete closures for three to five days when performing dangerous maneuvers like placing girders.
Visit CDOT project website here
Timeline: October 2023 through November 2025, Chestnut underpass expected to reopen late 2024
Interstate-25 Acceleration and Deceleration Lanes Project Overview
The Colorado Department of Transportation and its contracting partner, SEMA Construction, have begun improvements along Interstate-25 from Garden of the Gods Road to Fillmore Street in Colorado Springs. The project will enhance safety for Colorado’s traveling public by adding acceleration and deceleration lanes.
As part of the auxiliary lane project, the aging bridges on I-25 over Ellston Street will be reconstructed and widened. This work will also require several short-term, temporary closures of portions of the Sinton Trail and Ellston Street under I-25. Once this bridge/demolition work is scheduled, bike/pedestrian alternate routes will be put in place and signed.
Stay up to date on detours and project updates
Alternate route and QR code information signs will be available along the trail route for up-to-date trail status.
Sign up to receive text messages of updates and project information.