Residents Share Vision for Safer Streets at Bike Boulevard Meeting
Safer streets and a connected bicycle network were the top priorities for residents who attended this week’s Westside community meeting on the City’s Midland Corridor Bike Boulevards project. Residents called for improvements to the Midland Trail, traffic calming measures on Colorado Ave, and a protected bike lane along the commercial corridor. While the presentation and information shared remained unchanged from that shown in December, the focus of the discussion shifted towards residents’ priorities, highlighting their desire for a safer and more connected Westside for cyclists and pedestrians.
Read our previous bicycle boulevard posts linked below:
December 7th meeting recap
Announcement of December meeting with Bike Boulevard info
Midland Transportation Study Meeting info

Traffic Calming and Two-Lane Option
Residents expressed concerns about speeding vehicles and advocated for a multi-pronged approach to improve safety for cyclists and pedestrians. This included exploring the possibility of converting Colorado Ave. to two lanes west of downtown, along with the addition of protected bike lanes and pedestrian medians.
Increased Bike Parking and Improved Signage
A key concern for cyclists was the availability and visibility of bike parking. Residents called for:
- Increased Bike Parking: More designated bike parking areas throughout the Westside, particularly in areas with high bicycle traffic. This could involve installing new racks or converting existing car parking spaces to bike parking.
- Improved Bike Parking Signage: Signage similar to car parking signage to make it easier for cyclists to find designated parking areas, especially in Old Colorado City. Clear and consistent signage would encourage more people to choose cycling as a safe and convenient transportation option.
Colorado Ave. Bike Lanes
Many residents felt that Pikes Peak Ave and Cucharras St, while slated to become designated bike boulevards, wouldn’t provide easy access to businesses located on Colorado Ave. They urged the City to explore dedicated bike lanes along the commercial corridor on Colorado Ave.
Addressing Specific Challenges
The meeting also addressed some existing challenges associated with the proposed boulevards:
- Pikes Peak Ave Climb: The steep incline between 25th and 28th Streets was identified as a potential barrier for casual cyclists, particularly families. Residents suggested exploring an alternative route using Colorado Ave with protected lanes.
- Business Access: Routing cyclists onto side streets might limit their ability to access businesses on Colorado Ave. Residents asked for the project to look for ways to create dedicated bike connections on this important commercial corridor.
- Cucharras and 21st St. Safety: Intersection safety for pedestrians and cyclists was a major concern. The project will focus on solutions to improve safety at this specific location.
- Downtown Connection: Currently, the proposed boulevards lack a direct connection to Downtown. The planned off-street connection at Walnut Street has raised concerns about pedestrian and transit user conflicts. The City will explore ways to create seamless connections with clear signage.
Focus on the Midland Trail
In addition to concerns about the boulevards, residents also highlighted the need for improvements to the existing Midland Trail:
- Incomplete Trail: The gap between 21st and 25th Streets on the Midland Trail was a major point of discussion. Residents urged the City to prioritize completing the trail for a continuous route.
- Unsafe Crossing at 14th Street: The intersection of the Midland Trail with 14th Street was identified as a safety hazard. High-speed traffic entering and exiting Highway 24 creates a dangerous situation for trail users. Residents requested safer crossing infrastructure at this location.
- Trail Safety and Concerns: Some residents expressed concerns about safety and the presence of homeless encampments along certain sections of the trail. They urged the City to explore solutions to improve the overall feeling of safety on the trail.
Make Your Voice Heard and Take the Survey!
Residents are encouraged to share their thoughts and take a brief survey on the City’s Midland Corridor Bike Boulevards webpage for project details: https://coloradosprings.gov/MidlandBikeBlvds. Attend future meetings and continue the conversation about creating a safer Westside for everyone.
By working together, residents and the City can create a safer, quieter, and more vibrant Westside that’s accessible to people of all ages and abilities.