Build Community W Bcs (1)

Open Volunteer Roles

Bike Colorado Springs is always looking for Volunteers to step up and get involved making our city a safer, easier place to ride a bike. To start off 2021 we have openings for two specific roles key to one of our four mission objectives:
“Uniting businesses, organizations and individuals who embrace bicycling”

Membership Coordinator

Bike COS knows that membership is a key component to the success of our organization. A thriving membership will show the support for the bicycling that exists in our community as well as help to generate funding to keep the organization running.

We are looking for someone to lead our membership effort to help build upon the momentum of our organization.  This volunteer with be responsible for implementing a strategy to attract and retain a robust membership by collaborating with the Communications Committee Chair. The Membership Coordinator will drive recruiting efforts by communicating benefits available to members while helping to build incentives to attract new Bike COS members.

For more information on this role please reach out to the Communication Committee Chair – Cully Radvillas
If you are interested in this role view the entire role description here and apply below

Outreach Committee Chair

As our interim chair will be stepping away from his leadership role we are looking for a fresh face to help lead the Bike Colorado Springs Outreach Committee.

The outreach committee aims to engage a broad range of communities throughout the Pikes Peak region to build an alliance of businesses, organizations and individuals that embrace bicycling. This includes managing our Bicycle Ambassador Program and working with local businesses and organizations that have an interest in improving bicycle infrastructure and believe that cycling is an important economic driver in our community.

If you are interested in becoming involved with the BikeCOS leadership team please send an email to  or apply below

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