June is Bike Month in Colorado
People are pulling their bikes down and getting out riding for the first time in a long time. And our businesses are getting to business as restrictions are being lifted. This year, in light of the struggles the pandemic has caused, let’s practice safe social distancing on our bikes to help our business community stay strong.
Over the last several Bike to Work Days, our business community has come out in force to support people on bikes. Now it’s our chance to return the favor with Bike To Biz Week.
Bike to Biz Week is organized by the City of Colorado Springs and sponsored in part by KOAA 5, Magic 98.9 FM and Colorado Springs Indy. A special thanks to our organizing sponsors Bike Colorado Springs, Support The Springs and Council of Neighbors and Organizations
Below is information on our Bike To Biz activities, please visit our Bike To Biz COS Facebook Group to connect with the community and learn how to ride to businesses in your neighborhood.

click on the images below to learn more about Bike To Biz

New to or Back on a bike?
We’ll be working with bike shops and local community ambassadors to show new riders and tips and tricks to get your bike up and running, shop by bike and get around Colorado Springs safely by bike.
Wear a face covering (Mask, Buff, or Bandanna) especially around others
Consider taking the roads less traveled, to ease crowding in our parks and on our trails.
wash hands or use hand sanitizer regularly.
Help Businesses Rebound
This pandemic has been especially hard on local business. We hope to use Bike Month as our chance to support our local businesses. Over the last several Bike to Work Days, our business community has come out in force to support people on bikes. Now it’s our chance to return the favor.
It’s easy
Share a special moment visiting a favorite business to this group or use the hashtag #BikeToBizCOS and #SupportTheSprings to share your adventures on Twitter or Instagram. There will be prizes available for both businesses and riders; Come out, support our businesses, and show your love.
as has been so well said by one our favorite businesses and supporters of bicycling in the community
Support your favorite restaurants taprooms because they are re-starting completely upside down financially and already have small profit margins before this started. Opening now does not mean places “have made it” as we still have a very long way to go to get to “normal”.