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El Paso County Road Safety Plan

El Paso County is working on a road safety plan (press release here) to make roads safer and reduce deaths and serious injuries on county roads. The El Paso County Road Safety Plan will guide the county and partner agencies in implementing recommendations based on an innovative data-driven approach to traffic safety.

As a part of this effort, El Paso County will:

  • Conduct a detailed analysis of current safety and crash trends in the region to understand where, why and how crashes occur.
  • Identify priority locations and roadway types for safety improvements, education and enforcement priorities.
  • Propose safety resolutions to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration.

Know the Road Facts

  • Every 7 seconds, someone is injured in a car crash.
  • Every 15 minutes, someone is killed.
  • Many of the crashes occur during the workday or the daily commute.
  • Crashes that happen during work-related activities represent 40% of all crashes.
  • Motor-vehicle injury costs were estimated at $445.6 billion. Costs include wage and productivity losses, medical expenses, administrative expenses, motor-vehicle property damage, and employer costs.

While most issue types are intended to address ways that motorists are inconvenienced some options are available to identify Walking, Bike riding, and other multimodal issues as listed below:

Blocking the Crosswalk
Cyclists Behavior
Failure to stop for pedestrians
Issue for People with Disabilities
Limited Shoulder Width

Long Distance to cross
Long wait to cross
Multimodal infrastructure Needed
Not enough time to cross
Other Biking Issue
Other Walking issue

El Paso county, home to Colorado Springs, is looking for public input identifying hazardous conditions or behavior in the unincorporated areas of El Paso County only. Use the interactive map linked below to identify issues.

El Paso County launched a comprehensive website to share project information with stakeholders and the public throughout the Road Safety Plan process. An El Paso County Road Safety Plan Literature Review has been completed outlining Local, state and national resources related to safety planning.

Road Safety Plan Literature Document

Use the interactive map to identify any and all locations in the unincorporated areas of El Paso County at which you have noticed hazardous conditions or behavior.


Step 1: Click on the Edit icon (a list with a pencil) to open the list of safety issue areas/hazardous conditions or behaviors you can choose from.

Step 2: Identify and select the issue type you are reporting in the edit legend.

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