Kate Brady

Colorado Springs’ New Bike Planner

Bike Colorado Springs is pleased to announce that the City of Colorado Springs has hired Kate Brady, former planner for the Town of Monument, to be the Senior Bicycle Planner for the City of Colorado Springs.

“Kate brings a wealth of bicycle planning experience needed to help build well-connected on-street bicycle facilities that will encourage more people to bicycle for transportation and recreation,” said Public Works Director Travis Easton.  “We are excited to bring Kate on board to further enhance our vibrant bicycle friendly community.”

Prior to her position with the Town of Monument Brady served as associate planner for Bicycle, Pedestrian and Livability issues for the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments, where she collaborated with professionals in multiple fields to address transportation, bicycle/pedestrian improvements for the Oklahoma City region.

As a Bicycle Planner, Brady will develop and implement the City’s Bicycle Master Plan using the Five E’s of Bicycle Planning (Engineering, Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, and Evaluation & Planning) to work towards making Colorado Springs a Gold-Level Bicycle Friendly City as designated by the League of American Bicyclists within the next five years. In this position, she will also serve as the senior technical resource on all Colorado Springs bicycle issues.

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