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Bicycle Friendly Community Survey

The City of Colorado Springs has applied to renew our League Of American Bicyclist’s Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) Ranking. BFC awards are recognized for 4 years. In 2017 Colorado Springs was recognized as Silver Level Bicycle Friendly City. The League Of American Bicyclist’s wants to hear from our community about our city’s bicycle culture and network. Award results for the Spring round will be announced by the League in May.

For more information on the City of Colorado Springs 2021 Application please read about it at the Bicycle Friendly Community Chat link below


The survey will remain open through Wednesday, March 31

If you are League of American Bicyclists member, you may have received this survey already. The League has distributed it’s survey via email to all current members registered with a zipcode within Colorado Springs.

The League’s survey is aligned with questions from the 2012 NHTSA Attitudes and Behaviors survey so that their local review process can give the League, and the city of Colorado Springs, an understanding of how our community compares to a nationally representative sample of citizens.

The BFC public survey is open to anyone familiar with bicycling conditions in the Colorado Springs, including those who live in surrounding cities.

The public survey is meant to provide local context and perspective for the BFC review team’s decision-making process, and is used in combination with the BFC application submitted by the community. Anonymous aggregate survey results are included in each community’s feedback materials following awards announcements.

Applicant communities will not be judged on the number of responses received, and public input received does not determine a community’s BFC award level.

Award results for the Spring round will be announced in May.  For more information on the City of Colorado Springs 2021 Application please read about it at the Bicycle Friendly Community Chat link below

2017 Colorado Springs
Bicycle Friendly Community Scorecard

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